Friday, May 31, 2013

Top tips to a flat stomach - Oliver Kelly Health and Fitness

Toning the stomach is one of the main goals many clients share with us at the start of the Personal Training process. It is seen as such a keen area to work on, as aesthetically is can be so pleasing when toned and so depressing when not?

The answer to this holy grail of questions, ?How do I achieve a flat stomach? however is far more complicated than simply doing hundreds of crunches morning and night. First things first, no one is going to be toned in the stomach region if there is a layer of fat surrounding those muscles, therefore ?the answer lies within a combination of the right exercises and good quality nutrition. Without both these elements working together, success will not be achieved.

So to start with, GET MOVING MORE. Quite simple really! If you lead a sedentary lifestyle start moving more and increase your cardiovascular activity. This in turn will burn calories that you have consumed through your diet. The more calories you can burn off and the less you can consume (the right nutritious calories should be consumed, more on this later) then the balance will start tilting towards a reduction in your body fat. Try and MAKE BETTER LIFESTYLE CHOICES, take the stairs rather than the lifts, walk to the shops, park further from the office so you have to walk in and back. All these minor changes will reap big rewards in the middle to long term.

You need to think about the body as a whole and not just get bogged down with specific stomach exercises. Big movements will use more muscles and will burn more calories and in turn will increase your metabolism (calories your body naturally burns just at rest). One of the best forms of exercise you can follow for fat loss is STRENGTH TRAINING. ?Put simply the more muscle you can gain, the more calories you will burn day in, day out and the more efficient your natural metabolic system will be. Furthermore, doing high levels of high intensity cardiovascular exercise, such as running, cycling, swimming etc can deplete glycogen stores (carbohydrate/energy) leading to more eating. Hands up if you are starving after a good swim or aerobics class??? Strength training doesn?t give you this depletion and therefore you naturally tend to make better food choices as a result.

Intensity is the important word here. Walking to the shops a dozen times a week won?t deplete glycogen stores but running for 30 minutes fairly strenuously will. Please don?t think I?m trying to put anyone off running or any aerobic activity for that matter. Aerobic exercise is incredibly important for heart and lung health, I am merely discussing the best ways to burn body fat.

The other main element then is NUTRITION; you may well need to CLEAN UP YOUR DIET. A huge part of getting a flat stomach lies in what foods and drinks you consume. So cut down on the sugary foods and drinks and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to always choose organic where possible and eat little and often to avoid energy drops and subsequent biscuit drawer raids.

So to conclude get moving more, make better lifestyle choices, adopt big movement strength training into your exercise regimes and clean up your diet. With these improvements and changes,?your stomach will only thank you.




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