Thursday, June 30, 2011

What Do Baby Boomers Worry About?

What Is A Baby Boomer Anyway?

Before we talk about the top concerns of boomers, let us try to define what makes a person a boomer! This group generally includes people born during the post World War II baby boom. As America recovered from the war, families grew. People dispute the exact years that produced boomers though.

I will accept the US Census Bureau?s idea that a boomer was born between 1946 and 1964. These birth years were also supported by Landon Jones who was credited with coining the term in the first place. This would put most boomers in their late 40?s to mid 60?s today. So right now, a boomer is in early to late middle age.

Younger boomers probably do not feel middle aged. Most older boomers do not feel old yet. Some people actually split out younger generation members from the older ones. Those born in the late fifties to early sixties get called Generation Jones somtimes.

While older boomers were characterized as being very individualistic and free spirited, younger ones may be more cynical and distrust government more.

Most boomers are still working, and according to recent studies, the majority do not really have plans to totally retire.

What Worries Boomers Today?

Unemployment numbers spiked for everybody. Statistics show that people over 55 got hit a lot harder. Unemployment rose more for older work, and so these older workers had a tougher time getting back to work. While they were struggling with a tough job market, economic woes probably caused investment account values to decline.

So while some of us are worried about going to work at all, most of us are very concerned about the savings we took a lifetime to build. We wonder if we can every rebuild our savings. We know we need those assets for our current security. Of course, we can also look ahead and worry about a comfortable retirement.

Advances in health and medicine promise us longer life spans. We boomers do worry about our health, and we also worry about health benefits. Longer life spans also increase the chance we will need more health care, and possibly nursing care.

We also wonder how we can possibly build retirement accounts we cannot outlive. Most boomers have no plans for total retirement. Some would like to leave their current jobs and pursue a 2nd career of retirement job.

Beyond some personal finance problems, we have global concerns. We have always worried about the environment. Now we wonder if we will experiences shortages and higher commodity prices which will make it even harder to stretch our budgets. Many of us still distrust government, but we do not ? as a group ? agree on a solution to the problem.

Some boomers have unique concerns. Many of us still care for kids, and now attend to aging parents. Even grown children struggle in the current economy, so we may still be providing support for them. There has been a wave of kids and grandkids moving back home..

What Are Your Concerns?

We boomers share a cultural identity, some values, and a common experience. And yet, of course, we are a diverse lot of people. Your worries, ideas about solutions, and thoughts about what other people do will vary.

What Worries You?

Get a chance to participate in our top Baby Boomer Concerns Poll. You do not have to register to answer the poll questions, your identity will be kept private, and you can also see the total answers from others.

Visit us at the Online Over 50 Magazine.


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